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Manual to Mobile Transition – Take a Close Look

Monitor Employee Spending Intelligently with Expense Report Software
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For decades, businesses have been working with paper. Whether it is with bookkeeping or expense management, people are tired of working with spreadsheets, double-checking and correcting errors. With the advent of smartphones, people have started using these devices like never before, noticing a radical shift in their work mode – from office to remote.

Today, every business process is complemented with new technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and cognitive learning. Nowadays, mobile technology is gaining momentum in any business. Reportedly, more than half of the employees are using mobile devices for business purposes. Mobile apps are considered critical as everybody is moving into a millennial culture at an accelerating pace. And, millennials are always on their smartphones, no matter where they are.

Today’s employees prefer smart devices for good reasons. It’s not just that people can do their work anytime from anywhere but mobile technology allows for better communication, collaboration, submission and approval processes in any business. For instance, let’s take expense reporting. Earlier, when employees went on business trips, they had to save all the receipts and then file them into a report as soon as they returned. Not only did this take time but also resulted in receipt losses. However, this is not the case with mobile expense report software.

With expense software featuring mobile capabilities, travelers can report expenses from anywhere in the world with just a click. Employees can take a snap of the receipt, add details to the expense report, and no longer retain receipts. This gives unprecedented flexibility to employees and improves overall productivity. Equipping employees with the right devices can build agility and collaboration between the processes. Mobile technology is gradually changing the way employees work and communicate. Therefore, embracing mobile technologies can add an edge to businesses in this millennial generation.