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Three Businesses Which Must Adopt Electronic Signature Software

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Technology goes a long way in improving the productivity of businesses. Today, there is an abundance of business productivity applications available in the market which help increase the efficiency of businesses, reduce costs, and save time. One such solution is electronic signature or e-signature software, which enables users to sign documents electronically and automate the document approval process.

One of the biggest pain points of online documentation is authentication. Even if the documentation was done online, it had to be authenticated by hand, which is the problem e-signature solves. E-signature software helps save time, increases productivity, and even provides environmental benefits as well.

E-signature software is suitable for businesses of all sizes but is a must for some. Here are three of them:

Banks: Banks could eliminate the reams of printed paper and save a lot of time for themselves and their customers by adopting e-signature. Banks were initially apprehensive about adopting e-signature software as there were doubts about its validity but once legislature was brought into effect that made it legal and valid, there has been a greater adoption from their side.

By adopting this software, banks can also provide better customer service by offering their customers the chance to fulfill all their banking needs without ever having to move out of their homes.

Educational Institutions: Some of the top educational institutions receive a huge number of applications for the seats they have on offer, sometimes in the ratio 6 to 1. Apart from the applications, there is a lot of supporting material that has to be submitted as well, making this already huge pile of paperwork much bigger.

Many educational institutions have moved on to an online application system, but there are still some which use traditional methods. Universities can save a lot of resources if they automate.

Government Organizations: Those who stand in long queues in front of government agencies and offices understand very well the amount of time and effort they expend. From the agency’s viewpoint, long queues also pave the way for inefficiencies and congestion.

To reduce this congestion, governments should actively seek to adopt technology and streamline their application processes.

Want to know more about electronic signature software? Click here to know more.

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