Hiring and retaining top talent is a critical task for many organizations. Web-based recruiting software helps you attract a strong and more diverse applicant pool. Key features of the solution help you fully leverage social media to pre-select applicants, develop talent pools, and automate part of the recruitment process. Here, we list some key features of the modern recruiting system.
Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, and other):
Today, everyone is on social media and turning to it when recruiting dramatically boosts both the choice and quality of an applicant for a vacant position. Before you have a vacancy, the solution can be trawling online. The system helps you easily find new applicants through online referral systems and the networks of your existing employees. This enables you to engage with and market your company with future vacancies. Candidates can also know about the employer by reading their Facebook posts.
Candidates will respond better to recruitment processes that are easy to initiate. The current online generation is not likely to print copies of resumes and post them to employers. The software helps you search candidates with their LinkedIn profile with the click of a mouse.
Real-time HR Analytics:
The software performs real-time analytics on existing employees to predict the best applicants to recruit by looking at the profiles of the more successful and productive employees. It applies this information to the candidate pool and finds the best applicants.
Not every enterprise has the same recruitment process; it depends on the role, size of the business, and the budget. The software can easily adapt to your unique business needs. It automates the process of your choice and is flexible enough to manage variations for specific roles.
Organizations can make more informed decisions by using sophisticated recruiting software with these features.