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Automating the Expense Reporting Process with SutiExpense

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This article explains how the laborious expense management process can be simplified.

Knowing about SutiExpense

SutiExpense simplifies the expense reporting process for both employees and finance professionals. For employees, it becomes easy to capture receipts, fill out spreadsheets, staple receipts, and move around the business. This had become easier as smartphones are everywhere and the solution is deployed on the cloud. This saves a lot of time for end users.

We are helping businesses manage spending effectively. Expense software is challenging to manage. What our solution does is incorporating corporate policies in expense reporting rules. Our solution can flag the out-of-policy spending right from mobile devices. It gives a better overview to businesses over the money being spent.

What is for accountants?

Computers are good at eliminating manual data entry and reducing repetitive tasks. Machines are good at reading factual information such as don’t allow people to spend more than £30 on cab and computers does that right.

Automation can reduce the number of menial tasks so they can start using their time proactively.

How can reimbursements be done?

Our solution automates the expense reporting process. You can create expense reports in minutes, send for approvals and then the reimbursement happens. Indeed, this process would not take more than a week, which took weeks and months earlier. This speeds up the process and makes it easy for employees to process reimbursements quickly.

Time and cost savings

Getting full access to the data saves you a lot more time. The workflow process is another phase where a piece of paper gets stuck with someone, and you don’t know where the document is. This could be your manager, finance and because it’s a paper it is tough to get your hands on. Expense management software automates the workflow, and you can see where precisely the approval process got stuck and can send notifications when required.

Bottom Line

The key objective is to bring expenses under control, and analytics can help make quick decisions. The solution brings all the menial tasks such as data entry under control, so accountants can add value to the business. Accounting departments can alleviate all the manual work by leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning to manage risks.

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