COPE – The New Trend in Business Mobility

Businesses need to keep up pace with the ongoing trends in the field of enterprise mobility management. One aspect that is notable to review in this regard is the BYOD trend. BYOD has led to the introduction of numerous problems related to security, data recovery, and so forth. To overcome these drawbacks businesses are implementing the Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) policy.
COPE Strategy:
This method lies between the traditional business-led deployments & the BYOD-model and offers total IT control to the employers. Businesses practicing this method purchase mobile devices and provide them to their employees for use within the organization. This empowers them to retain complete ownership of assets and gain better control of activities being performed on those assets.
COPE Advantages:
COPE method can be comparably less expensive than the BYOD policy. Purchasing devices in bulk can be cost-effective. On the other hand, it also saves you from reimbursing the cost of your employees’ mobile devices and the associated rate plans, either in parts or full.
With this method, you get complete hold of the devices, can apply upscale monitoring, and reflect policy methods to protect the devices. In the case of theft or loss, you can completely delete the data to avoid its misuse.
Though it has some drawbacks regarding security, organizations need to implement suitable security measures without interrupting the privacy of employees to make the COPE strategy a success in the business mobility domain.
Bottom line:
By embracing COPE policy with a sophisticated enterprise mobility management solution, you can provide a comfortable work environment for your creative workforce.