Don’t Have Online Invoice Software? Here’s What You’re Missing Out On

Whether you are selling a product or a service or whether you are a huge enterprise or a small startup or a freelancer, you have to bill your client, which normally takes the form of an invoice. The traditional method of creating and sending invoices involved spreadsheets and paper. Some enterprising people might even turn to templates in MS-Office or on the web and send the invoices via e-mail.
However, these methods are inefficient and solve only parts of the entire invoicing and billing cycle. Sending an invoice is only part of the story. Before that comes the estimate and after that comes the payment. Wouldn’t it be better if you had an end-to-end solution that can manage the entire cycle, from creating estimates to receiving payments?
This is where online invoice software comes in. It eases the process of creating and sending invoices while at the same time allowing organizations to receive online payments or track offline payments, essentially allowing them to manage the estimate-to-payment cycle professionally.
If you are not using this software, here’s what you are missing out on:
Professional-looking estimates and invoices: This software allows you to create professional-looking estimates and invoices with a few simple clicks. It allows you brand the invoices with your own logo and customize the line items as pertinent.
Multi-language and multi-currency support: Have clients in the suburbs of France or the islands of Japan and don’t know their languages or currencies? No problem. You can create invoices in multiple languages and receive payments in multiple currencies using this software instead of having to look up every word in a dictionary or a translator.
All information in one place: Instead of using several different applications and creating fragmented data silos, you can use online invoice software as the one interface for all your billing and invoicing needs.
Integration with other applications: Take this scenario. Your sales reps use CRM software and one of your leads asks for an estimate. The sales rep has to go to another application to prepare the estimate and copy the contact information from the CRM application. Now imagine 20 or 30 clients asking for estimates. Wouldn’t it be much easier and simpler create estimates from the CRM application itself? This is where this software scores again. Online invoice software fully integrates with other on-demand and on-premise applications fully, which means that you can now create and send estimates and invoices from the other application’s interface.
Want to know more about a leading online invoicing solution that lets you create and send invoices and integrates fully with third-party applications? Click here.