Ensuring T & E Policy Compliance with Business Rules

Effective expense management starts with a good expense policy. The real challenge is to make all employees stick to the company norms. Thanks to expense report software for making it easy to ensure compliance. You can make your employees comply with the T & E policy by implementing business rules with your expense software.
Setting Business Rules
Business owners can set business rules for expense category, project amount, and total amount. You can select the time frame, day, month or expense type for which you want to set business rules. Once you have set up everything, you can choose the expense category, employee/department to which you want to apply rules. After setting the rules, you can perform the following actions:
Add Approver
Getting expense reports approved by various approvers is the most important phase in expense management. You can map any approver with any business rule and make the approval process easy.
You can set up in such a way that all the expense reports that satisfy business rule criteria will be highlighted in a single color. Likewise, expense reports that contain out-of-policy line items can be highlighted in a different color. These notifications will urge approvers to take a close look into the specific expenses. This way you can easily figure out the expense reports that have violated the company’s T & E policy.
Our expense software solution allows you to block expense reports from being submitted. All the expense reports that violate the company’s policy will be flagged and can be shown in red color, along with the reason for blocking. Hence, approvers can know the reasons why certain expense reports are not complying with the policies. This can help you determine the necessary actions to be taken in the future.
Also, you can set up business rules based on job titles so that it would be even easier for you to review expense reports. If you wish to make exceptions on user-level, you can do that as well. Setting up business rules is the good thing you can do to prevent business expense fraud.