The Benefits of SaaS Integration Platforms (SIPs)

SaaS integration Platforms (SIP) allow service providers to integrate different applications and create a comprehensive solution that caters to all the needs of an organization. By helping both providers and users navigate the integration hurdle successfully, SIPs allow them to derive greater value from SaaS applications. SIPs combine and leverage all the benefits of SaaS while adding some of their own. To list a few:
One-place-for-all: Users can now access all their applications from a single interface, without the need to switch among several applications for different functions. Whether an invoice has to be created or a sales lead tracked down, users can now do it all from a single interface.
Duplication of data: Organizations usually need to transfer data and results from one application to another. With integration of several business productivity applications, users can now avoid duplication of data, saving several man hours.
Greater synchronization: Integration provides scope for greater business synchronization too. Sales data from CRM software can be input into business intelligence software that analyzes the results and provides insights, all simultaneously and in one place.
Long-term relationships with service providers: With SIPs, organizations typically choose one vendor for all their business needs, giving them greater control over security and a chance for long-term relationships with service providers.
Cost Benefits: As a solution which bundles several solutions together and comes to the user integrated, an SIP eliminates the need to purchase and deploy different solutions, saving money. It also benefits the users in terms of manpower cost and integration cost.
Manage data more efficiently/No data silos: Organizations use anywhere between 10-50 applications on any given day to manage their day to day operations. With so many employees using so many applications, it is not uncommon to see data silos being created. Also, sometimes, the same data is stored in multiple locations. SIPs eliminate this factor by storing all data in one location and providing real-time access to this data.
Streamlined process flows: SIPs allow managers and administrators to define and manage process flows efficiently.
Third-party applications: SIPs also allow easy integration with third-party applications, whether on-premise or cloud. SIPs built on an open platform architecture which means that third-party developers can add new features to the platform.
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