New Updates to SutiExpense Improve Travel and Expense Management

In an effort to make SutiExpense meet the growing needs of companies more effectively, we have added new functionalities that improve the travel and expense management process and make it simpler to handle.
Added features
The following are some of the added functionalities in the latest version of SutiExpense:
Travel desk
Travel desk is a kind of approval level wherein an admin can assign a person to approve a single category of expense line item. By doing so, whenever a user submits an expense report containing an expense line item of that particular category, the report will be routed to the assigned travel desk person for approval.
Defining tax rules for province & expense category
SutiExpense allows you to define tax rules based on the province and expense type. You can set the tax for your province such that it will reflect while filing expense reports. In this way, you can define taxes for each province based on its tax norms.
Auto-convert expenses after approval
In the SutiExpense application, there is a pre-trip approval request feature that allows you to submit the anticipated expenses for that business travel. All the approved expense requests can be automatically converted to expense reports. This would save a lot of time required to spend on converting the requests to reports manually.
Warning and restriction
SutiExpense provides you an option to set expense limits for each expense category. Whenever a user submits an expense that is exceeding the limit, then you can either restrict the entry or show a warning message to the user stating that the expense has exceeded the limit.
Restricting travel mode to cities
Using this feature, you can restrict the mode of travel to various cities.
All these features enhance the functionality of SutiExpense and make it the right fit for businesses.